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Reuters je v zvezi z afero Ghosn objavil zanimivo zgodbo o slasteh "pocestnega" žurnalizma, te neslavne, proletarske plati novinarskega posla.
That often means waiting for hours on suburban streets or outside offices to accost corporate bosses and politicians for what are called “burasagari,” or stakeout briefings. Such vigils were an important part of Reuters coverage in the days following the arrest in November of Ghosn, the former head of Nissan Motor Co.
One particular kind of ambush journalism practiced in Japan is “yomawari,” or night raids, when reporters stake out the residence of an executive or politician, hoping to catch them on their way home.
Night raids over the Ghosn story became so frequent and heavily attended that Nissan sent registered letters in December to news organizations asking them to stop visiting the homes of their executives. The company said neighbors had complained and that the “intrusive reporting” had led to one passerby getting injured, without elaborating.

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