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Nemci pripravljajo pogrebni načrt za klasično avtoindustrijo
Kaj bi to. Nemška pošta z lastnimi projekti elekričnih vozil v grob peha hudo ranjenega (samopoškodovanega) nemškega avtomobilskega giganta. :-)
Deutsche Post van signals new entrant threat to auto industry
German logistics giant Deutsche Post has quietly designed and made its own electric delivery van, exploiting sweeping changes in manufacturing technology which could upend the established order in the auto industry.
For the moment, Deutsche Post is using the vehicles itself to meet growing demand for e-commerce deliveries without adding to air pollution in German cities, replacing conventional Volkswagen vans.
But having decided to go it alone with the project - upsetting VW "beyond measure" - the group will soon decide whether to start selling the Streetscooter model and join those set to compete directly with established carmakers.
Pa ta zgodba sploh ni od včeraj ampak od predvčerajšnjim:
Elektroautos: Deutsche Post wird Autobauer
Die Deutsche Post wird Briefe und Pakete in Zukunft mit dem Elektroauto zustellen. Der Logistikkonzern will bis zu 30.000 E-Transporter selbst bauen, 2000 sollen noch in diesem Jahr vom Band rollen.