Izbrani forum: Nepremičnine
Izbrana tema: članek Pred vrati ZDA nova nepremičninska kriza
Teme v drugih forumih o teh vsebini: Glavni forum (15)
Strani: 1
Da se podaš v tak kredit, si drugega argumenta kot nepremičnine bodo vedno rastle z najmanj 20% letno, skoraj ne znam predstavljati
Now, you think about it. At the time, the average California home was selling for about $500,000, which was about ten times what the average household actually earned.So, but these guys actually believed that if they bought that house they would make $3 million over the next ten years. That's what they believed.Now, is it any wonder that they lied on their mortgage to get that $3 million? Is it any wonder that they signed up for a teaser rate? Do you think they cared what happened to the loan two or three or five years from now?....http://mises.org/story/3493
bc123a je napisal(a):
Vir tudi bc123a, poleti 2007, ko je ta graf prilimal na forum.
In zapisal tole:
KondaU je napisal(a):LOL. Ja špricanje matematike v šoli se res ne izplača :)
Baje, za ziher ne vem ker nisem od tam, so v Kaliforniji ljudje dejansko bili prepričani, da bo njihova nepremičnina v prihodnje apreciirala za 20 odstotkov letno. Evo citat iz enega od kometrjev tipa, ki ja napovedal sesutje nepremičninskega trga: " And especially when they had so much to gain. Real-estate prices were rising. At one point, in California they took a survey — I think back in 2005 — and the average home buyer believed that his house was going to appreciate by 20 percent a year for the next ten years. That was what was expected.
Now, you think about it. At the time, the average California home was selling for about $500,000, which was about ten times what the average household actually earned.So, but these guys actually believed that if they bought that house they would make $3 million over the next ten years. That's what they believed.Now, is it any wonder that they lied on their mortgage to get that $3 million? Is it any wonder that they signed up for a teaser rate? Do you think they cared what happened to the loan two or three or five years from now?....http://mises.org/story/3493
Strani: 1