
Izbrani forum: Odklop

Izbrana tema: Treniranje smejalnih mišic :)

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anon-39471 sporočil: 3.127
[Odklop] Tema: Treniranje smejalnih mišic :)
[#713685] 15.02.10 20:06 · odgovor na: anon-195618 (#713552)
Odgovori   +    6
An Arab at the airport:

- Name?

__ Abdul al-Rhazib

- Sex?

__ Three to five times a week.

- No, no ... I mean male or female?

__ Male, female, sometimes camel ...

- Holy cow!!!

__Yes, cow, sheep, animals in general.

- But, isn't that hostile?

__ Horse style, doggy style, any style ...

- Oh dear!

__ No, no! Deer run too fast!


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