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Izbrana tema: članek Vzpon zdravil, ki topijo kilograme

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Gustl sporočil: 13.629
[Glavni forum] Tema: Vzpon zdravil, ki topijo kilograme
[#3036170] 07.02.24 06:56 · odgovor na: primvla (#3036160)
Odgovori   +    2
Zadnja sprememba: Gustl 07.02.2024 07:04
mogoce sem kot laik stlacil sales and marketing v skupni kos reklam, se posipam s pepelom...

Tu je se nekaj razlage...kot je to pogosto, se te cifre mrcvari, odvisno od tega, kaj hoče kdo povedat...


SG&A is a sort of catch-all category that does include sales and marketing expenses, including sales salaries, support and so on. But it also includes legal and accounting fees, rent and utilities. In an annual industry audit, Pharmaceutical Executive notes that sales and marketing is a "relatively low portion of SG&A."


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