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Izbrana tema: članek Dončić in partija, ki ima vedno prav

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[Glavni forum] Tema: Dončić in partija, ki ima vedno prav
[#3006692] 17.09.22 10:01 · odgovor na: bigl (#3006690)
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Problem je, ker jim KP ne dovoli primerjave ...
Kdor potuje na Kitajsko, ne bo imel problema pri dostopu do zahodnih spletnih mest, kot so Facebook, Google in Twitter. Nasvet, kako to storiti, je na:

Use a VPN to access the internet in China and stay in touch. The easiest way to access western websites, such as Facebook, Google, and Twitter, is by installing a Virtual Private Network, or VPN. A VPN can be used to access restricted websites in China by shielding your browser activity. The key to a VPN is that it lends you a temporary IP address and hides the actual IP address from every website or email you connect with. VPNs are hard to find within the country, so make sure you buy and install a VPN before you arrive in China. You should opt for a paid service, rather than a free one, as free ones can easily be blocked by the Great Firewall.

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