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[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2948047] 13.08.21 13:03 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2947489)
Odgovori   +    0
Razmah prodaje električnih avtomobilov v Rusiji, ampak ne v pozlačenih carskih mestih kot sta Moskva in Sankt Peterburg - prodaja cveti na daljnem vzhodu največje države na svetu, poroča Bloomberg. V dalnji vzhodni Rusiji so pogruntali, kako prihraniti z uvozom rabljenih e-avtov, na Daljnjem Vzhodu pa, kako elegantno vprašanje reciklaže 10 let starih električnih vozil in njihovih baterij brcniti v drugo državo in za nekaj let v prihodnost.

Bloomberg je zelo natančen pri opisovanju cen in prihrankov in perspektiv e-vozil v svetli bodočnosti, gladko pa ignorira en ključen podatek: doseg teh rabljenih avtomobilov, še posebno v kruti ruski zimi. Ni Blumberg nije više ono što je nekad bio...
The math is simple, said Olga Ivanova, 41, the head of a construction firm in Irkutsk in eastern Siberia. She pays about 500 rubles monthly ($7) for electricity to charge her used EV. Gasoline for her family’s second car costs almost 10,000 rubles a month.
“We calculated, with my husband, that we could save some 200,000 rubles a year” on fuel and the other costs of owning a gasoline car, Ivanova said. “I can’t say that I need money, but when you understand that you can get the same comfort, the same joy and save 200,000 rubles, that’s quite pleasant.”
The average savings from a used Nissan Leaf in Russia’s Far East is about 40,000-50,000 rubles a year, according to Vygon Consulting, compared with the cost of driving a domestically-produced Lada Granta, popularly referred to as the “people’s car.” That’s close to a typical monthly regional salary.

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