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[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2944842] 30.07.21 20:57 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2875348)
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Iza dobrog nikoletine prašina se diže...

Reuters in Benzinga poročata o obtožbi Trevorja Miltona, prvega guruja Nikola Motor Company oz. Nicola Corporation zaradi laganja investitorjem. Milton se je seveda razglasil za nedolžnega in po krivem preganjanega poslovneža.

Ubogi Trevor, nerazumljeni genij in nesojeni odrešenik človeštva, predvsem pa mož beseda...
Trevor Milton, the founder of electric truck maker Nikola Corp (NKLA.O), has been indicted on charges of making false and misleading statements to investors, the U.S. Department of Justice said on Thursday.
The indictment said that, from November 2019 to September 2020, Milton schemed to defraud investors into buying Nikola shares through statements about the company's product and technology development.
As U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss began citing the numerous lies alleged against Nikola founder Trevor Milton during a Thursday news conference to discuss the grand jury indictment, she utilized an apt phrase given his former company's position as a green-vehicle maker.
"Today's criminal charges against Milton," she said, "are where the rubber meets the road."
That road, at least for Milton, will prove extremely difficult to navigate if federal prosecutors succeed in proving their case, one in which they claim he "lied about nearly every aspect of the business" in order to drive investor demand for Nikola stock.
Milton allegedly helped Nikola raise more than $1 billion in private offerings and go public through a business combination conducted by a special purpose acquisition company (SPAC). According to the SEC’s complaint, during that time and after Nikola was publicly traded, Milton acted as Nikola’s primary spokesperson appearing regularly on national media and communicating directly with investors through social media. Milton allegedly encouraged investors to follow him on social media to get “accurate information” about the company “faster than anywhere else.” Instead, however, Milton allegedly used his extensive media platform to repeatedly mislead investors about, among other things, Nikola’s technological advancements, products, in-house production capabilities, and commercial achievements. The complaint further alleges that Milton ultimately reaped tens of millions of dollars in personal benefits as a result of his misconduct.

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