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pobalin sporočil: 14.456
[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2928811] 14.05.21 21:46 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2928809)
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Sem sem zavil, da vam zašpecam, kako je vesoljni prerok Musk twittersko majčkeno zasukal svoj kurs kar zadeva kriptokojne.
Tesla Inc.’s Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk said the electric-vehicle manufacturer is suspending purchases using Bitcoin, triggering a slide in the digital currency.
In a post on Twitter Wednesday, Musk cited concerns about “rapidly increasing use of fossil fuels for Bitcoin mining and transactions,” while signaling that Tesla might accept other cryptocurrencies if they are much less energy intensive. He also said the company won’t be selling any of the Bitcoin it holds.
Bitcoin mining is consuming 66 times more electricity than it did back in late 2015, and the carbon emissions associated with it will likely face increasing scrutiny, according to a recent Citigroup Inc. report.
V članku je tudi navedba, ki mi daje vedeti, zakaj nisem multimilijonar in tudi nikdar ne bom.
Twitter Inc.’s Jack Dorsey retweeted a post on the white paper with the comment that Bitcoin “incentivizes renewable energy.” Musk replied to Dorsey’s tweet, saying simply, “True.”
Kolikor sem obrobno dojel principe kojnske rudarske panoge, ta deluje nonstop in ne samo ob vetru in soncu. Torej je trditev glavnega twita nekaj takega kot teza, da je Talum spodbuda za obnovljivo energijo. Načeloma da, ker imajo sončno elektrarno, vendar...

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