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0126Bacis sporočil: 3.042
Naredili bi napako, če bi pri spremljanju nemških ekonomskih podlag dali prevelik poudarek ceni elektrike.
Poglejte primer "razogljičenja" ZDA, problme nastopi ne glede na ceno, zadeva je preprosto NEIZVEDLJIVA. In zakaj bi bilo v EU / Nemčiji drugače?

Če želijo doseči "2030 cilje" morajo
- ustavit 100 "klasičnih" elektrarn / leto
- zagnati po 2 (dve) jedrski elektrarni po 2.25GW (= 7x NEK) vsak teden, začenši z naslednjim tednom

And that means we need to find sites, do the feasibility studies, get the licenses and the permits, excavate, manufacture, install, test, and commission two 2.25 gigawatt nuclear power plants EVERY WEEK UNTIL 2030, STARTING THIS WEEK.

Obama administration scientist says climate ‘emergency’ is based on fallacy

‘Unsettled’ Review: The ‘Consensus’ On Climate

By Earth Day 2022 the US will have needed to close more than 100 power plants that were producing electricity in January, 2021

The Latest US CO2 Fantasy

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