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0126Bacis sporočil: 3.042
[Glavni forum] Tema: Temna stran zelenega
[#2906291] 12.02.21 06:32
Odgovori   +    7
Le kako, da takega članka ne napiše g. Hočevar, živa resnica podnebnih sprememb ;=)))

Naj dodam še 2 linka:
»Delaj, kar ti rečem, ne tako kot jaz«

Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom
So-called "environmental groups" started out with good intentions but they morphed into hugely profitable organizations running into the billions of dollars. Patrick Moore is a Greenpeace founder who left when they abandoned science and decided to chase money instead. He now crusades to expose their deceitful ways by examining their claims and comparing it to the science and evidence. In each case, he conclusively proves that they are feeding us fiction to scare us into donating our money. Read this and you will be able to reassure your children that we are not in an existential crisis after all. Whether you are concerned about global warming, plastics or polar bears, you will find your answers here.

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