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[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2877757] 28.10.20 00:02 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2877682)
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Menda je po treh decenijah tranzicije že bolj ali manj jasno, da severno balkanska Moja Dežela ne bo v doglednem času postala druga Švica. Bojim pa se, da mnogim MojeDeželanom ni jasno, kako je Švica neopazno postala mojedeželna ali celo balkanska. Ali pa je vedno bila tudi malo čudna.

Ker v Švici se v koronačasih dogajajo ene tako zelo slovenske oz. balkanske korona zgodbe.

1. Poleti so javne službe oznanile, da se virus najbolj širi na večernih zabavah, nočnih žurih, veselicah, igrankah in kar je drugih pregrešnih rabot. Ni minilo veliko časa in padlo mnogo dežja, ko so obrnili ploščo in z vso resnostjo objavili, da se najbolj širi v družinah, med kolegi itn. To je švicarska javna hiša posebnega pomena objavila na začetku avgusta, ko je Jekleni Kacinski menda ribal svoj bazen na Krku in zato ni vedel za ta bliskoviti zasuk.
On July 31, the FOPH told the Swiss public broadcaster, SRF, that nearly two thirds of Covid-19 cases can be traced to bars, clubs and restaurants.
However, on Sunday evening, the office announced that Covid-19 is mainly transmitted through family (27.2%), followed by the workplace (8.7%) and private parties (3%). Night- and dance clubs account for 1.9% of contracted cases; bars and restaurants for 1.6%. The statistics are based on 729 reports filed by physicians between July 16 and July 30.
2. Pred kakšnim mesecem so imeli v enem najbolj konservativnih, schwyz-hribovskih delov Vzorne Dežele jodlarski koncert s približno 600 udeleženci, ki naj bi se držali vsaksebi, da bi se lahko jodlanju posvetili brez mask. Sredi oktobra so imeli v regiji za 148% več okuženih kot sredi septembra in do roba napolnjeno lokalno bolnišnico je poročala AFP (via France24, N.B.: Ko je bil spomladi v Franciji izbruh epidemije najhujši, sta ji priskočili na pomoč Nemčija in Švica.)
"We can't do anything about what happened with this yodelling group. We found out nine days after the performances that several people from the group were infected," event organiser Beat Hegner told RTS public television.
Now the pandemic has spread through the region, with 1,238 cases compared with just 500 in mid-September.
On Wednesday alone, 94 people tested positive, twice as many as the day before.
The overloaded cantonal hospital has asked people to begin wearing masks and avoiding gatherings.
"There's an extremely high rate of positive tests. We've gone from 30 to 50 percent," hospital chief Franziska Foellmi said.
"It's time we reacted. The explosion in the number of cases in Schwyz is one of the worst in all of Europe," chief doctor Reto Nueesch posted online.
3. Nedavno se je severovzhodni hribovski, konservativni del Vzorne Dežele še enkrat izkazal, ko so po poročanju javne hiše posebnega pomena na neko ohcet pritajeno vnesli leglo koronavirusov. Le kdo bi kvaril družinski praznik z nekimi nemarnimi podrobnostmi...
Canton Appenzell Outer Rhodes currently has five times as many Covid-19 infections per 100,000 inhabitants as Germany. One reason is thought to be a wedding in the village of Schwellbrunn on October 10 which was attended by more than 200 people.
Some guests arrived with coronavirus symptoms and the bridal couple were aware of these cases, said cantonal health director Yves Noël Balmer at a media conference. However, the authorities were not informed and only learnt about it two weeks later by chance, Swiss public radio, SRF, reported on Monday.
Investigations revealed that the guests had agreed among themselves not to get tested in order to avoid a possible quarantine, Balmer said.
Several wedding guests later attended an Oktoberfest party and took part in other local activities. It’s a fair assumption that more people were infected there, he said, adding that many of these people had known about the events at the wedding but had not told the cantonal authorities.
Nisem zasledil, če so javne zdravstvene oblasti potem spet spremenile svoje tolmačenje o širjenju virusa, ker tole je nerazločljiva ćorba (širšega) družinskega kroga in splošnega žuriranja. Jasno je le, da so tudi v Vzorni Deželi to jesen dobili lepo porcijo novega vala, s katero se spoprijemajo s podobno (ne)jasnostjo kot drugje; zvezno ne prehudo restriktivno, po kantonih pa pač vsak malo po svoje. Tole poročanje je staro že skoraj en teden:
They confirmed that the country was now more badly affected than its neigbours: it now has 495 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Only France approaches these levels at 450 cases per 100,000. “We absolutely have to respect hygiene rules,” said Stefan Kuster from the Federal Office of Public Health.
Overall, there have now been more than 100,000 cases - 103,653 cases to be precise - since the start of the epidemic.
Meanwhile, there have been further reactions from the cantons, which, under the Swiss federal system, are currently in charge of local measures to combat the virus.
The Swiss government has said that is not planning to take over the management of the pandemic, as it did in spring. But it did announce some national measures on Sunday, like the compulsory wearing of masks in public buildings. It is due to set out further measures on Wednesday. These are expected to include limitations for restaurants, bars and clubs, as well as private and public gatherings.

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