
Izbrani forum: Borza

Izbrana tema: Korekcija - pripravimo se za vstop na trg

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[Borza] Tema: Korekcija - pripravimo se za vstop na trg
[#2846706] 22.05.20 08:29 · odgovor na: crt (#2846621)
Odgovori   +    0
There are 30.7 million registered small businesses in the US, but the vast majority (24.8 million) have no employees. This important group of 5.9 million small businesses employ anywhere from 1 to 499 workers.

hose 5.9 million firms have an aggregate payroll of 59.9 million people, 47.3% of the American labor force.

Through May 16th (latest Treasury Dept data available), the Payroll Protection Program has made 4.3 million loans. This represents only 14% of total US small businesses.

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