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[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2802173] 08.11.19 14:12 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2802138)
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Zadnja sprememba: najobj 08.11.2019 14:14
Nisem ti nameraval replicirati, ampak mi je Economist danes pokazal še eno faceto trenj v nekdanji koloniji imperija, v katerem že nekaj desetletij sonce zahaja na območju imperija, ki vstaja (citiram samo odklenjen, vsem viden del članka).

> Black terror
> Mainland Chinese are being attacked in Hong Kong
> To some, the city feels increasingly menacing
> A few days ago, Huang Qixuan, a 21-year-old from mainland China who is studying accountancy in Hong Kong, was walking through his campus, talking to his father by phone. He passed a black-clad local student who was holding a placard in support of the pro-democracy unrest that has racked the city for nearly five months. “It’s chaotic,” he said to his father in Mandarin, the mainland’s common tongue. Incensed, the local shouted into Mr Huang’s face in Cantonese, the language of most Hong Kongers. “Liberate Hong Kong!” the protester kept on yelling as he followed Mr Huang. “Revolution of our times!” chanted passers-by, encouraging the pursuer.
> Communist Party-controlled newspapers in Hong Kong say the city is in the grip of a “black terror”, a reference to the protesters’ adopted colour. Mr Huang agrees, and has plenty of evidence to confirm his anxiety. On WeChat, a messaging app used by many mainlanders in Hong Kong, who include around 12,000 university students, videos have gone viral of attacks on people from China’s interior. One such incident, on November 2nd, involved a woman who was accosted by protesters in a touristy part of the city after she allegedly took close-up shots of people in masks (the government recently banned the wearing of them by demonstrators). During the encounter the woman’s face was splattered with a sticky black substance. On the next day a mainlander shouted “We are all Chinese, long live China!” inside a shopping mall. He then fled to escape an angry crowd, who swore and threw objects at a fireman trying to shield him.
> www.economist.com/ch...-hong-kong

Vsaka podobnost s Severno Irsko in podobnimi zgodbami je čisto naključje...
... čuj, če si užaljen, ti si pobalin, jaz pa sem žleht in zdaj sva spet kvit, tako da - vsaj upam - lahko še naprej skupaj gruntava, kdo kuri ogenj v Hong Kongu in zakaj ... khmm, sploh pa koliko časa bodo Kitajci to mirno gledali ...

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