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pobalin sporočil: 14.456
[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2793366] 11.09.19 12:20 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2792636)
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Medtem ko se je v MojiDeželi socialnomrežno iskrilo in medijsko kresalo zaradi neke ponesrečene talne poslikave človeka ne jezi se (sic!), ko so eni noreli, ker so v zelo zakrnelih zametkih svastike videli kriptosporočilo fantomske Alternative für Slowenien, drugim pa predvsem ni bilo všeč, kaj in kako se počne z davkoplačevalskim denarjem,

je iz avstrijske Tirolske prišla ena bolj konkretna naci nostalgična zgodba. Nemški (sic!) turist je v avli hotela videl obešeni fotografiji "dedka in strica" solastnice hotela. Zmotilo ga je, da je bil eden od njiju oblečen v echt Wehrmachtovsko uniformo z ortoecht swastiko. Pa je zgroženi turist v duhu tretjega milenija to opažanje sproščeno navedel v svojih ocenah na booking.com in tripadvisor.com.

Na intervencijo hotelirjev je booking.com oceno Thomasa K hitro izbrisal, tripadvisor pa se je uprl, a jo je potem odstranil kar Thomas K osebno, ker so ga iz dotičnega hotela menda začeli nadlegovati oziroma so ga celo tožili na krajevnem sodišču. Medtem so nadvse ljubi fotografiji nadvse ljubih prednikov hotelirji že pospravili na manj vidno mesto, je poročal Guardian.
A lawyer acting on behalf of the owner said the portraits had been hung in the lobby in remembrance of late relatives, as was customary in rural areas in Austria. The picture of the uncle in a Wehrmacht uniform had been the only picture in the family’s possession.
The fact that the Wehrmacht had been an instrument of the National Socialist regime, the owners argued, did not mean that soldiers conscripted into service could be defamed as Nazis.
After researching the identity of the two men in the photographs at the German National Archives in Berlin, K was able to prove that both of the men had in fact joined the Nazi party, in 1941 and 1943 respectively. The hotel’s owners said they had not been aware of their relatives’ membership.
The Innsbruck court nonetheless took the unusual step in July of granting the hotel a preliminary injunction against K, arguing that his review had also implied that the hotel owner shared or sympathised with National Socialist ideas. The hotel owner’s interest in protecting her reputation took precedence over the guest’s right to freedom of expression, the court ruled.
The trial is expected to continue until later in the year, as is a separate case in Germany, in which K accuses another member of the owner’s family of having harassed him by telephone to take down the post. The TripAdvisor review has been deleted as a result. The owners’ lawyer said the family had since decided to remove the offending portraits.

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