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PyotrNovak sporočil: 5.775
Zadnja sprememba: PyotrNovak 11.09.2019 09:30
Slovencem se resnica gabi, zato ni bil izvoljen. Veliko lepse je pred krizo bit totalno optimisticen in zaposlit se par tisoc bresposelnih revezev v javni upravi. Saj nam gre odlicno, mar ne? Razen da se kazalci v EU ZE obracajo navzdol, v DE pa pada proizvodnja avtomobilov, ki so njihov glavni izvoz.

Germany Car Production | 2019 | Data | Chart | Calendar ... › Germany
Car Production in Germany decreased to 313200 Units in August from 359400 Units in July of 2019. Car Production in Germany averaged 453364.22 Units from ...
Car industry woes weigh on Germany's prospects | Financial ... › content
Jul 31, 2019 - Passenger vehicle sales there fell 4 per cent to 23m last year, and sales have continued to decline this year, dropping 14 per cent in the first half. “The German car industry is in a really critical situation,” said Stefan Bratzel, head of the Center of Automotive Management.

Titanik 2019: KELNER! SE 10 flas najboljsega sampanjca.

PS SE sam sem bil zelo presenecen ko sem pred casom zacel videvati take stevilke.

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