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anon-204390 sporočil: 13.528
V ozadju Joe Cocker: "First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin."
Glede na razdelitev resorjev Von Lying samo nadaljuj delo: najprej razjebes nemsko vojsko, sedaj je na vrsti EU.
Cohen (original) je pesem označil kot odo terorizmu:
Cohen explained himself in a backstage interview:[4] "I think it means exactly what it says. It is a terrorist song. I think it's a response to terrorism. There's something about terrorism that I've always admired. The fact that there are no alibis or no compromises. That position is always very attractive. I don't like it when it's manifested on the physical plane – I don't really enjoy the terrorist activities – but Psychic Terrorism

Besedilo si lahko razlagaš na več razkličnih načinov, ampak povezave s terorizmom obstajajo tudi
v kasnejših interpretacijah:

V vsakem primeru, masterpiece. Ob tem se človek res lahko razstreli v prafaktorje :)
In budale se upajo delat norca iz G. Trumpa???? Rast GDP v US je trenutno 10X vecja kot EU.
Deregulacija na delu:

Se se kdo spomni zamehovanja US LNG plina? KAJ JE LEVAKI, kje ste????

American LNG 20-30% cheaper than Russian gas: Polish official › Artykul › 2364767,American-LNG-2030-cheaper-t...
22 hours ago - American LNG 20-30% cheaper than Russian gas: Polish official. ... In February, Naimski said Poland would stop buying Russian gas after the contract with Gazprom expires in 2022.

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