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Trump je v začetku tedna zaostril sankcije proti Iranu. Podpisal je odlok, po katerem iranskemu vrhovnemu verskemu voditelju ajatoli Aliju Hameneju in njegovemu krogu preprečuje oziroma otežuje dostop do finančnih virov, poroča Reuters.
Sem šel brat Reuters, da bi razumel, za kaj gre,
Trump said the sanctions “will deny the Supreme Leader and the Supreme Leader’s office, and those closely affiliated with him and the office, access to key financial resources and support.”
John Smith, who was director of the U.S. Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) before joining a law firm last year, said the United States had never targeted an Iranian head of state before and that was a sign Trump was getting personal.
“Anybody who conducts significant transactions with these sanctioned individuals may be exposed to sanctions themselves,” the White House said.
pa mi še vedno ni čisto jasno. A to pomeni, da Hamenej ne more več naročati preko Amazona in med dopustom v svoji vili v Švici ne more več plačevati s kartico American Express, ali bo pač moral pred svojim ljudstvom pojamrati, da s plačo vrhovnega vodje bolj težko shaja...

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