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Groups raise concerns about eagle deaths at California wind farms
Note: This article has been corrected to reflect the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's acknowledgement that it previously released inaccurate information about the number of golden eagle deaths in the area, an error it said occurred because locations were misclassified in a database. The article has also been updated to include the Desert Wind Energy Association's statement that its wind facilities haven't had a single eagle death.
PALM SPRINGS – When eagles fly over San Gorgonio Pass, they confront a barrage of deadly obstacles among the whirring blades of windmills. It's unclear how many birds are killed, but federal officials say the wind turbines here and at other wind farms could be taking a significant toll.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service says it has received confirmed reports of two deaths of golden eagles among the wind farms of the San Gorgonio Pass Wind Resource Area since 1997. The exact causes of those deaths are not clear. Those documented incidents could be a fraction of the actual number of eagle deaths because monitoring is spotty, reporting is voluntary and enforcement actions are rare.

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