Izbrani forum: Borza

Izbrana tema: Napoved za odmero dohodnine

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anon-312695 sporočil: 24
[Borza] Tema: Napoved za odmero dohodnine
[#2780138] 18.06.19 23:48 · odgovor na: tilenrexi (#2780136)
Odgovori   +    0
V odstavku je omenjen "nadomestni kapital". Zato mislim, da v primeru samo ene transakcije le ta ne pride v poštev.

Glej tudi -> finance.zacks.com/30...-2065.html

When the Rule Does Not Apply
Shares purchased within 30 days before or after the sale for a loss must be "replacement shares" for the wash sale rule to go into effect. You can buy shares and sell them a week later for a tax-deductible loss because the initial purchase was not intended to replace shares already owned or sold. In most cases, a wash sale is triggered when you sell an investment then buy the same investment again within 30 days after the sale.

Če smo prekopirali cel člen, si ga verjetno tudi podobno razlagamo.

Vse ocene tega sporočila:

Ni nobene :(