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pobalin sporočil: 14.456
[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2778394] 07.06.19 15:15 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2778387)
Odgovori   +    0
V zvezi s propadlo združitvijo FCA in Renaulta velja opomniti, da se je v senci tega kiklopskega posla zgodilo dvoje.

Dan po objavi ponudbe FCA Renaultu je šef FCA Mike Manley prodal za 3,5 milijona delnic FCA, menda za plačilo osebnih stroškov. To ni bila edina njegova prodaja delnic, saj naj bi od marca do maja prodal že skoraj polovico svoje kvote "nagradnih" delnic prejetih leta 2018.
Mike Manley, CEO of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, sold over a quarter of his shares in FCA on Tuesday, one day after FCA announced a merger offer for Renault. Manley declared the sale in a filing to the Dutch financial markets authority, AFM. FCA is a Dutch-registered corporation.
Shares in FCA and Renault both jumped Monday, with FCA gaining 8 percent to €12.37 ($13.85) in Milan and Renault rising 12 percent to €56.03 in Paris. Wall Street was closed Monday for Memorial Day, but FCA's New York-traded shares shot up Tuesday, quickly aligning to the Milan price.
Samo nekaj dni kasneje so Francozi sporočili, da so ob pregledu nizozemskega skupnega holdinga Renaulta in Nissana ugotovili za 11 MEUR sumljivih stroškov v zvezi z Ghosnom in neprofitnimi organizacijami.
In a statement Tuesday night, the French carmaker recommended joint Renault-Nissan legal action in the Netherlands, where the alliance is based. It suggested ordering Ghosn himself to reimburse the company for some of the expenses.
The audit of joint company RNBV found deficiencies "in terms of financial transparency and procedures for monitoring expenditure," the statement said. It noted questionable expenses for Ghosn's air travel, personal spending and donations to nonprofit organizations.
Prosto po Ježku: za vogalom tri kanalje, krik, blesk... prihodnjič dalje. :-)

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