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[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2773633] 09.05.19 16:36 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2773576)
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Ko sem že brskal po National Geographic, sem z zanimanjem prebral še zgodbo o zajezitvah rek po svetu, ker se je tako lepo prilegala aktualnim deželnim spopadom eko vs. elektro (glej npr.: oe.finance.si/rubrik...4/Eletrika ).

Tako sem izvedel ne le, da je večji del rek v razvitem delu sveta že zajezen, drugje pa še stremijo k temu. Izvedel sem tudi, da so se Kitajci v tem početju začeli brzdati, da so Američani pred nekaj leti podrli dva stoletna jeza s HE in reko vrnili lososom, pa da imajo v (zahodni) Evropi načrt podreti odslužene zajezitve rek itn.
ONLY ABOUT ONE-THIRD of the world’s longest rivers remain free-flowing, meaning they have not been dammed or disrupted in man-made ways, reports a new landmark study. While there are a few exceptions, like Asia’s 1,700-mile long Salween River, most of the remaining free-flowing rivers longer than about 600 miles are now restricted to remote regions of the Arctic and to the Amazon and Congo Basins.
Scientists warn that such fragmentation of the world’s major rivers, caused mainly by dams, threatens the ecosystem services that both people and wildlife depend on for their survival. Free-flowing rivers, they say, provide food for hundreds of millions of people, deliver sediments crucial to agriculture, mitigate the impact of floods and droughts, and underpin a wealth of biodiversity.
According to the analysis, there are today 60,000 large dams worldwide, with more than 3,700 currently planned or under construction, though the latter figure may actually be far higher. There are, for example, 3,000 hydropower plants in the pipeline in just the Balkan region of eastern Europe, according to a report from the Save the Blue Heart of Europe campaign group.
Similar dam removal projects are underway in western Europe, with France, for example, planning to soon remove two large dams from the Selune River in Normandy. Meanwhile, a project called Dam Removal Europe is focusing on clearing European rivers of the 30,000 old or obsolete dams that still exist. “This would open up thousands of kilometers of new river habitat,” says Wanningen, the Dutch ecologist, who is involved with the project.
Izvedel pa sem tudi, da med drugim obstaja, kar je za nas in naše HE ključnega pomena, tudi grupa "Save the Blue Heart of Europe", očitno pretežno z nemškega govornega območja, ki si prizadeva preprečiti "za naravo škodljive zajezitve rek na Balkanu" (modrosrčno povedano) oz. gospodarski razvoj in prehod s premoga na manj škodljive obnovljive vire energije (povedano z balkansko čežnjo po privrednom napretku po uzoru sjeverozapadnih nacija).
For many years it has been the secret knowledge of “insiders” – riverine communities, a few NGO representatives, fly fishers, kayakists: the Blue Heart of Europe beats on the Balkan Peninsula. Nowhere else on the continent can one find such a tremendous number and variety of pristine, wild rivers, crystal clear streams, extensive gravel banks, untouched alluvial forests, deep gorges, spectacular waterfalls, and even karstic underground rivers which mysteriously flood the surface during extreme rain fall and snow melt in autumn and spring. What’s more, these rivers are one of the most important hotspots for European biodiversity, especially fish and molluscs, hosting many threatened as well as endemic species. Rare vegetation communities and water depended fauna can be found not only in these very rivers, but also in adjacent alluvial habitats.
Začuda Modro srce Balkana v Moji Deželi še nima uradnega partnerskega društva,
kar je morda posledica množičnosti tovrstnih organizacij s tovrstnimi agendami, da se ne morejo vse ciljno in učinkovito povezati med seboj. So eko aktivisti preveč anarhične narave za bolj kompleksne in disciplinirane povezave, morda menijo, da je sistem šibrovk boljši od krogle spodobnega kalibra ali so žrtve nekogaršnje politike divide et impera?

Čisto mimogrede sem se dal poučiti tudi o spremembah padavin v ZDA in da naj bi bili mnogi jezovi v Kaliforniji, kjer so pred dvema letoma že imeli resno krizo v Orovillu, ogroženi zaradi bolj intenzivnega deževja (klimatski sprememb) in posledičnih poplav.

To deževno dopoldne mi sploh ni bilo dolgčas...

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Ni nobene :(