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Emisijski CO2 kuponi so izmišljutina...
Emisijski CO2 kuponi na žalost niso izmišljotina, dejansko obstajajo. Druga stvar je, ali so upravičeni. Te kupone so uvedli, ker nekateri pravijo, da naj bi bilo segrevanje ozračja posledica človekove dejavnosti.

V znanosti ni popolnega konsenza o tem, kaj je povzročilo ogrevanje podnebja v 20. stoletju. Analiza Johna Cooka s sodelavci je celo ugotovila, da je absolutna večina (66,4 odstotka!) vseh obravnavanih člankov o razlogih za ogrevanje povsem neopredeljenih.
"V zadnjem času slišimo veliko treznih pozivov k potrebnemu hitremu ukrepanju pri zmanjševanju količine izpustov toplogrednih plinov, ob tem pa tudi všečnih predlogov za takojšnje zapiranje največjih porabnikov energije v industriji in energetiki."
Če bi bili ti pozivi trezni, bi bili podprti z dokazi, ki ne ponarejajo rezultatov. Nekaj primerov meritev:

"We have seen in the past how these climate scientists come to the conclusion that we are warming. They use the highly discredited climate models to get their data from. Data that is flawed in every sense of the word, When you see where they put their machines which measure the heat on the planet you can only shake your head in wonderment and despair. ... Who would think to put machines that measure heat at the end of an airport runway where large aircraft use jet engines at full throttle to take off? Only a climate scientist would be that clever or stupid or downright dishonest so take your pick which one of those they are. Perhaps all three. ... these are four photos of where these climate scientists get their information from that they then put into the climate models and those four are four of many thousands all over the world."

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