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anon-178149 sporočil: 4.311
Kot obrtnik si moram sam placati 1 MESEC bolniske.
Sem navajen da sem v kasti "untouchables".
Macki pa se vedno mijavkajo lazi.
Dosedaj se NI bilo boljsega sistema v realnem zivljenju kot je TRG. VSE ostalo se je koncalo slabo. To negirat, je tako kot zanikat zakone fizike.
In TRG deluje najbolje v ZDA, sedaj pa si malo preberi kakšne so razmere na zdravstvenem trgu tam čez, recimo kaj pravijo Amerikanci sami,

Best at what? Cancer survival rates? Probably — but that’s because they are expensive — and we have a lot of people who can either afford that outright — or have really great insurance coverage.

For most Americans, the statistics are just appalling — especially for a country of our size and extraordinary wealth.

30 Million Americans are uninsured.
40 Million Americans are underinsured (meaning they couldn’t cover a medical emergency or serious medical event).
Medical expenses are a big (if not leading) cause of personal bankruptcy in America.
Americans borrowed almost $90 billion last year — just to pay for medical expenses.
The average cost of PPO coverage for an American family of four (through their employer) is now about $28,000 — per year.
Almost 5 million American kids (under 18) are uninsured (this alone is criminal).
Life Expectancy in America has declined for each of the last 3 years.
We now spend over $11,000/capita/year — just on healthcare. There are only 2 other countries (Switzerland and Luxembourg) that come close to that amount (about $8,000/capita/year). Every other industrialized country spends less than $6,000/capita/year.
We score an 81 on the index of amenable mortality (death that could be prevented with reasonable access to medical care). That score means we’re tied with Estonia (pop: 1.3M) and Montenegro (pop: 670K).
Medical errors are (arguably) the 3rd leading cause of death in America.
About 1/3 of all donations on GoFundMe goes towards health care costs.

So yea — we’re the best at being the most expensive healthcare system in the world — with strong and compelling evidence that the results — the outcomes of all that money — are poor — at best.

But hey — we’re really good at 5 year cancer survival rates and organ transplants (if you’re lottery number is a winner).

How does all that look in chart form?

Bom dodal novejšo karto za 2015, ki lepo potrjuje, da so rezultati tržnega zdravljena v ZDA neprimerno slabši kot drugje.

Po kratkem mjavkanju laži pričakujem da si nadvse zadovoljen. če ti pa še kaj ni všeč, še malo potipkaj po mariških spletnih straneh (recimo Quora) nudi kar precej primerjav med zdravstvenimi sistemi v ZDA, Kanadi, VB.... In ne boš verjel, amerikanci sami ugotavljajo, d aje njihov sistem dober le za tiste z nadpovprečnim zavarovanjem, za vse ostale pa..... Beri, in ne smatraj vse za laži kar se ne ujema s tvojim slepim verovanjem.

Ne recem da mu ne bom privoscil ko bo primijavkal zaradi zdravniske napake, pa ne bo mogel toziti nikogar.
Vedno lahko tožiš nekoga, le odvetnike si moraš najti in imeti začetni kapital

Prijateljevi zeni so odstranili kolcni sklep na NAPACNI strani. MESECI casa in nepotrebnih bolecin, i NIKOME NISTA!
Bog ji pomagaj, če si sama ne zna. Glede na to, da si pa tako uspešen (sicer samospoznan) poslovnež, bi človek pričakoval da si priskočil na pomoč prijateljevi ženi v njeni borbi za pravično odškodnino.

Vse ocene tega sporočila:

Ni nobene :(