Prikaz samo enega sporočila - znotraj teme...

crt sporočil: 27.164
Ker imajo (politiki) polne riti vsega in za one v parlamentu, je vse skupaj ena preserancija. Čisto vseeno jim je, ali bodo not ali zun eu, le da se pije, je in da se obnašajo kot razvajeni mulčki, ki jim starši strežejo z leve in desne.
"Tuesday night’s Commons spectacle reminded me of one of Jonathan Swift’s last poems, about the Irish parliament – specifically this bit:

“Let them, when they once get in,
Sell the nation for a pin;
While they sit a-picking straws,
Let them rave at making laws;
While they never hold their tongue,
Let them dabble in their dung …
We may, while they strain their throats
Wipe our arses with their votes.”

So yup, pretty much all covered by Dean Swift there back in the 1730s, right down to Theresa May’s strained throat. However unique this moment might feel, I suppose we must remember that politicians have been letting down their people for centuries and centuries."

... in druge lepe formulacije v tem tekstu (recimo tista glede impostor syndrome :)

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