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[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2759465] 20.02.19 23:51 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2759464)
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Za konec pa še ena amerikanska zgodba iz soban Bele hiše in predstavniškega doma, prosto po NYT. Trumpova frakcija v Beli hiši navija, da bi pojapončeni/potošibljeni, nato bankrotirani in nazadnje spet amerikanizirani Westinghouse v Saudski Arabiji postavil več jedrskih elektrarn. Pravna služba Bele hiše dvomi o legalnosti in etičnosti tega posla z nostalgično etiketo "Middle East Marshall Plan". Tako naj bi pisalo v poročilu, ki ga je odbor predstavniškega doma za nadzor in reforme objavil v torek.
The export of American nuclear technology that could be used to create nuclear weapons is strictly controlled under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954. The act says that Congress must approve such exports, and at least one of the whistle-blowers that went to the Democrats claimed that officials involved ignored warnings about such legal requirements.
Representative Elijah E. Cummings of Maryland, raised alarms on the nuclear exports in 2017 when he disclosed claims brought to him by a whistle-blower. But the committee’s Republican chairman at the time did nothing.
So on Tuesday, Mr. Cummings, now the committee’s chairman, said he would do the work himself.

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