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pobalin sporočil: 14.456
[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2742791] 16.11.18 13:42 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2742605)
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V FT berem, kako Apple pospešeno nakupuje zemljišča po Ztrumpženih državah Amerike, da jih ima že skoraj 30 km2. Zemljišča lahko kupi in uporabi tako, da bo ob svoji dejavnosti tudi bogato črpal subvencije, kar je postala nemarna navada med (pre)velikimi združbami tipa Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Google...
Apple boosts land holdings to more than 7,000 acres
Far from Silicon Valley, in states such as Iowa, Nevada and North Carolina, Apple has been investing billions of dollars to build out server farms to run its iMessage, App Store, Apple Music or iCloud services. It has also stepped up its investment in renewable energy sources, such as solar farms, to power those facilities.
While tech companies promise data centres will bring new revenues, jobs and follow-on investment to their local communities, the size of those incentives remains controversial. Amazon has been criticised, during its search for a so-called HQ2, for extracting promises of billions of dollars in tax breaks and other benefits from cities across the US.
“For the average company in America, the biggest tax they pay is property tax,” said Greg LeRoy, executive director of Good Jobs First, an advocacy group. “To the extent that Apple is now bulking up on real estate, those abatements matter a lot.”

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