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[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2738123] 16.10.18 12:50 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2738113)
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Jalopnik je študiozno pretresel poslovni model in poslovne prakse firme Credit Acceptance Corporation. Ta je specializirana za "sub-prime auto loans", to so posojila kreditno komaj ali sploh ne sposobnim, ki pa avtomobil nujno rabijo ali si ga silno želijo. Članek je dolg in ni prijeten za brat, ga pa priporočam. Najlepše pri vsem skupaj je, da je ustanovitelj firme, ki je lahko nekaj desetletij obstala v tem tveganem poslu samo z oderuškimi pogoji in neusmiljeno izterjavo, ob lanski upokojitvi svoj delež prodal za 128 MUSD.
“I began to realize that, even as I worked as hard as I possibly could at selling cars, we would have to do better on the collections side,” Foss said in 2009, reflecting on how he’d managed to grow and sustain a business that had provided financing to low-credit car buyers for nearly 40 years. It certainly ended well for Foss, who stepped down last year, netting $128 million upon retirement by selling off his company shares.
The company has acknowledged it repossesses about 35 percent of all vehicles it finances, and its aggressive methods to pursue buyers for non-payment is widely known. Debt collectors retained by the company chase after defaulted buyers for as long as 20-25 years, garnishing their wages and recouping sums that sometimes exceed two times the original loan amount.
Ko gre za pomoč pomoči potrebnim, ima svobodna podjetniška iniciativa vedno najboljše in najbolj dolgožive rešitve.

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