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pobalin sporočil: 14.456
[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2735459] 26.09.18 15:05 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2735450)
Odgovori   +    0
Za konec pa še zgodba Handelsblatta Global o nemški dvokolesni DDR nostalgiji, ki me je grenko spomnila na tole nedavno vest o simptomu zelo verjetno dokončnega propada Tomosa.

Nemška firma iz Münchna je obudila iz pozabe vzhodnonemški skuter Schwalbe (lastovka), ga elektrificirala in ga zdaj menda uspešno prodaja ne samo doma, ne le na vzhodu združene države, ampak tudi po svetu. Kraj proizvodnje: Poljska. Čeprav še vedno po teslovsko poslujejo z izgubo, čeprav so (pre)močno vezani na peščico kupcev, čeprav je konkurenca močna, gredo zdaj zbirat svež kapital na borzo z upanjem, da bodo segli do 60 MEUR.
The subscription period runs until September 27 and CEO Thomas Grübel is hoping to raise €60 million ($71 million). That’s not bad for a firm with 217 employees that achieved €15 million in sales last year —twice as much as in 2016 — although it did book a loss of €5 million. This year’s revenue could skyrocket to €28 million, with a profit still out of reach.
But Mr. Grübel is unperturbed by the losses. His priority is to grow first, and the floatation, scheduled for October 2, is going to help him do exactly that. The entrepreneur has a clear idea of what he’s going to do with the proceeds from the IPO. He wants to launch a new model on the market every year. He’s also planning to expand the Govecs factory in Wroclaw, Poland and the company’s flagship store at Berlin’s famous Alexanderplatz square. And the company will set up a new warehouse for the scooters and spare parts.
“A small capital injection wouldn’t have been enough for us to leverage all growth options,” Mr. Grübel said. Govecs’ current main shareholder is Dquadrat, a family-owned investment company based in Baden-Württemberg. Mr. Grübel owns another 10 percent of Govecs’ shares.

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