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Izbrana tema: članek Uljanik na robu stečaja

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philips sporočil: 6.715
[Glavni forum] Tema: Uljanik na robu stečaja
[#2734599] 20.09.18 11:29 · odgovor na: anon-338219 (#2734597)
Odgovori   +    4
Iz Slovenije kto kažejo statistični podatki se vse več državljanov izseljuje kot še nikdar prej po osamosvojitvi, ja zgube slovenske poglejte kaj vse se pri nas dogaja ! Poglejte Češko, zgledujte se po njih , so nizkozadolžena država , imajo najnižji delež revščine med evropskimi državami, imajo lastno valuto, Slovenija pa nič več kar je bila nekdaj , danes smo daleč od uspeha, zakaj pa mislite da pri nas tako primanjkuje delovne sile, ker se množično izseljujejo, smo poguba !
Ni Češka taka oaza kot si misliš(te):

According to Social Watch, debt collection affects 2.5 million people, almost a quarter of the country’s population.


Pa tole:
When he was finance minister in 2017, Babiš put Agrofert into a trust, to comply with new Czech legislation against conflicts of interest. But campaigners at Transparency International say he remains the “beneficial owner” of Agrofert in breach of domestic and EU law. They say the claim is based on research of company documents in Slovakia, as the Czech equivalents are not available to the public.

“On one hand he is sitting in EU meetings, where he decides about the subsidies in his pocket,” said David Ondráčka, director of Transparency International in the Czech Republic. “And at the same time he uses these subsidies to fund his political career, where he is dominating over his opponents.”


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