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[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2728723] 16.08.18 20:29 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2728699)
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Kmalu bo minilo tretje leto od razgalitve VW dizelskih gat, pa se Nemcem na to temo še kar dogaja. Automotive News poroča, da je nemški zvezni urad za motorna vozila sporočil, da lastniki vozil VW z goljufivimi dizli, ki še niso uredili tovarniško predpisanega popravila, lahko izgubijo prometno dovoljenje. Nekaj takšnih avtov so na Bavarskem že umaknili iz prometa.
German authorities in Hamburg and Munich have already de-registered several Audi and VW cars fitted with affected Euro 5 diesel engines after owners ignored successive reminders to heed a recall, Automotive News Europe sister publication Automobilwoche reported.
Further vehicles are at risk of being taken off the road in German state of Bavaria but have been given a grace period to make the repair, Automobilwoche said.
"The recall [for affected VW diesel cars] is compulsory. Cars that are not fixed can eventually be taken out of service. Subject to the release date of the updates, the car owner has had about a year and a half. Plenty of time, to take part in the recall," the KBA told Automotive News Europe in an emailed statement.
The move comes after the KBA approved in early 2016 software tweaks from VW intended to fix manipulated engine control software in 1.2-, 1.6- and 2.0-liter EA 189 engines.
To pa še ni vse. Reuters poroča, da so švicarske oblasti ustavile registracije nekaterih dizelskih verzij modela Mercedes-Benz Vito in Porschejev Macan and Cayenne zaradi prikrivanja emisij.
The move will affect vehicles imported from Aug. 17. Vehicles already registered in Switzerland may continue to operate, but must be retrofitted, Astra said in a statement.
Mercedes Vitos with 1.6-litre diesel engines, Porsche Macans with 3-litre diesel engines and Cayennes with 4.2-litre diesel engine are affected by the action. All have Euro 6 emission norms, which refers to the emissions standards these engines are required to meet.

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