Prikaz samo enega sporočila - znotraj teme...

1126DXSXU sporočil: 273
In seveda so dobave ruskega plina VEDNO 100% zanesljive. Vlad pa ja NE bo izkoristil tega kaksne januarske noci ko bo -24C. Saj tega dosedaj se ni nikoli storil.

Oh, cakaj, TO je ZE storil:

Russia Cuts Gas, and Europe Shivers - The New York Times
Jan 6, 2009 - Russia's gas price dispute with Ukraine escalated, disrupting deliveries to the European Union in the midst of a bitter cold spell. ... in gas pressure in their pipelines at the peak of the winter heating season in a bitterly cold January. .... In Turkey, flows of gas through a pipeline that runs from Ukraine stopped ...
Tole so Ukrajinci zakuhali. Dokler bodo med Nemci in rusi Ukrajinci in belorusi bo vedno kakšno izsiljevanje.
Pa ne politično temveč lopovsko.

Vse ocene tega sporočila:

Ni nobene :(