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pobalin sporočil: 14.456
No, maš tut firme brez zaposlenih pa sloh ne majhnim prometom :)
Itak. Praviloma so zelo strokovnjaške in poštenjaške. :-)
Sorgfältig hergestellt in Österreich pa to...
Se mi zdi, da malo paše v kontekst Avstrije in dolgoročnega poslovanja z velikimi tujimi trgovskimi verigami, sploh če te te z debelimi pogodbenimi ketnami priklenejo nase. Spomin na take zgodbe je dobro vsake toliko malo osvežiti, da ne bi napak po nepotrebnem ponavljali.
Some Austrian exporters had entered into long-term contracts with supermarket chains to supply large quantities of wine at a specified quality level in terms of Prädikat. Apparently these producers ran into problems in some weak vintages, where much of the grape harvest did not reach sufficient ripeness levels. At the levels of ripeness that were reached, the wines would be less sweet, less full-bodied and more acidic. One vintage plagued by these problems in Austria was 1982. It is believed that when this led to insufficient quantities of wine being available to fulfill the contracts, some producers started to search for methods, including illegal ones, to "correct" the wines. By itself, simple sweetening (also illegal) would not necessarily do the job, since it would not sufficiently correct the taste profile of the wine. By using diethylene glycol, it was possible to affect both the impression of sweetness and the body of the wine. German wine chemists have stated that it is unlikely that an individual winemaker of a small winery had sufficient chemical knowledge to devise the scheme, implying that the recipe must have been drawn up by a knowledgeable wine chemist consulting for a large-scale producer.

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