Prikaz samo enega sporočila - znotraj teme...

anon-186196 sporočil: 2.052
en citat za parafrazo te hecne "debate".

Jan Hein Donner, velemojster, 1968:

"However painful it may be, we must not shrink from the truth: women cannot play chess. And, if you ask me, they will never learn to play chess. ... And why can't they play chess? After more than twenty-two years of pure scientific research, I think I have found an explanation. It is a well-known fact that a woman is superior to a man. Physically she is stronger. With her endless patience she will win, in the end, the everlasting battle of the sexes. She can think more logically... She has a far better memory... In everything a woman is superior to a man, but she misses one thing: intuition."

Vse ocene tega sporočila:

Ni nobene :(