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pazite, arbitražno sodišče ni del EU in ni del aparata EU

pa dovolite, da še enkrat spomnim na sramotno slovensko stališče, kako se spoštuje ali nespoštuje odločitve arbitraže o drugih...

Haag je razsodil tudi v sporu med Filipini in Kitajsko o Južnokitajskem morju, odločili so, da Kitajska tam nima nobene zgodovinske pravice, Kitajska seveda "ne priznaje ovaj sud" -- po sodbi leta 2016 so grozili z vojaško intervencijo in pljuvali že pred sodbo po sodišču in vseh živih;
Tole je čista brca v temo. Resnica je da, PCA sploh ni sodišča, ampak arbitražni "servisni center", da nima nikakršne jurisdikcije, da ni arbitraže, če se obe stranki ne strinjata(Kitajska ni nikoli dala soglasja za arbitražo) in da je celotna zgodba s PCA čisti javni nateg za naivno javnost in (naivne in neinformirane) novinarje. Spodaj je odlična razlaga vse zgodbe zvezi z razsodbo PCA v primeru Filipinov in KItajske:

1) The UN had clarified that the PCA is NOT affiliated with it;
2) The PCA rented an office in the Hague, but is NOT part of or affiliated with the UN backed ICJ.
3) The PCA is not a court of law.
4) The PCA is an ‘intergovernmental’ body created in 1899 to provide arbitration services.
5) The PCA provides a registry of arbitrators and also secretarial services for parties seeking arbitration through the empanelling of its registered arbitrators.
6) China opted out of arbitration under article 298 of UNCLOS in 2006.
7) But Shunji Yanai, Japanese head (and allied with Shinzo Abe’s right-wing militarists) of ITLOS arbitrarily and unilaterally empaneled 5 arbitrators registered with the PCA and rented the Hague for the hearing on behalf of the Philippines.
8) None of the arbitrators have background in Asian affairs; the first Chairman Pinto, a Sri Lankan, resigned after stating that the panel has no jurisdiction over the SCS.
9) By resorting to unilateral arbitration, the Philippines itself illegally breached UNCLOS which stated that any dispute is to be negotiated between the parties involved.
10) The Philippines paid the full cost of the arbitration (USD30 million).
11) The duplicity of the illegal and unilateral arbitration panel was made plain when it denied that Itu Aba – an island in the full sense of UNCLOS – is just a non-life supporting rock and therefore do not generate a 500 KM EEZ. The purpose of the ruling is to deny China, which claimed the island now occupied by Taiwan, any chance of getting an EEZ in the SCS in the future event of it uniting with Taiwan.
12) The ‘award’ of the ‘arbitration’ tribunal is neither binding, final nor legal because a) It is not a court of law, b) not part of the ICJ nor c) backed by the UN, d) it was arbitrarily and unilaterally set up and e) not legal under UNCLOS.
13) The evidence is that it (the arbitration) was a scam, using the Philippines under Aquino, to stigmatise China and provide a veneer of legality for war with China over the SCS.
14) I am writing to inform you of the alternative narrative so that you would not unwittingly refer to the ‘Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague’, and that it was ‘the Hague’s decision (Hague being synonymous with the ICJ in the public’s mind) or that the ‘decisions were taken in accordance with the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea’. To do so would be to further a vicious lie.

You would appreciate the labyrinthine nature of the facts concerning the PCA. My hunch is that the scammers behind the Philippines arbitration have betted that 95% of the world would not be able to figure out that it was a scam. They would have betted that at least 95% of the world would be taken in by the ‘association’ with the Hague, the name ‘Permanent Court of Arbitration’ and be deceived to think that the ‘award’ is legal and binding and have the backing of the UN backed ICJ!

Evropska unija je takrat poskušala sprejeti strogo obsodbo teh kitajskih stališč, vendar pa sta Grčija in Madžarska v prvi vrsti zminirali besedilo. Še huje pa je, da je ostri obsodbi kitajskega nespoštovanja odločitev arbitraže nasprotovala tudi Slovenija. In še huje - nasprotovala je skupaj s Hrvaško. In to zaradi našega lastnega spora..
Nasprotovala je ker pri čisto vsakem nategu (pravni "false flag") pa res ne moremo sodelovati....

sicer nima zveze s konkretno zadevo - ampak načeloma - mi ne spoštujemo komisije, zakaj bi komisija nas
Tipična izjava "self hating" Slovenke

najboljše, da vse skupaj pustimo pri miru, ker je pameten dogovor, tudi če se ga doseže, nemogoč; to jasno kaže pameten dogovor med Makedonijo in Grčijo o imenu Severna Makedonija, pa znata zaradi tega dogovora obe vladi pasti...

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