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pobalin sporočil: 14.456
Hm, zvestoba do groba? Na linku me je najprej pričakal skoraj bel ekran s sporočilom, da grupa Bonnier hoče od mene pristanek na prosto trgovanje s piškoti. Pa sem jim ga dal. Da bi prebral prežvečen članek po BBCju - hvala bogu imajo navado vstavljanja linkov na vire. Fotografija, ki so jo pobrali s Flickerja, je pa ultra zavajajoča, ker ne kaže lokacije pridobivanja vode iz megle, ampak najbolj puščavsko pokrajino, kar jih je najti.
During a particularly severe drought in 1956, scientist Carlos Espinosa Arancibia had an idea.
The retired maths and physics professor from the University of Chile carried out a series of experiments in the highest hills near the city of Antofagasta.
There, he came up with the idea of the fog catcher: netting with tiny openings of approximately 1mm across to capture the tiny water droplets in the fog.
The droplets accumulate in the netting and form a bigger drop which eventually runs off the netting into a canal underneath.
From there, it is channelled through a pipe to containers at the base of the hills, ready for use.
Fog Catcher Brewery is small. It has three vats and one cold store producing about 24,000 litres per year, but it is the pride and joy of its owner, Miguel Carcuro.
Še en prispevek CNN o širjenju molže megle po svetu:
The nets harvest precious water for crops and animals: 140 square meters provide 840 liters of water per day, shared among 85 landowners. [10 l na osebo/gospodinjstvo na dan!]
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