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anon-187668 sporočil: 5.835
Kakor spremljam razvoj bo to se kar precej casa. Kot vsak imperij ima tudi rok trajanja, toda zaton je lahko se precej v prihodnosti.
Tudi jaz mislim, da je zaton precej v prihodnosti. Eden od razlogov je ta, da ima večina državljanov ZDA svojo državo rad.

Koliko državljanov EU bi pomemben izum podarili svoji državi? Se je pa to zgodilo v ZDA:

"Before Samuel Ruben’s development of the mercury battery during World War II, carbon zinc batteries were the standard, but they weren’t capable of achieving what the army needed. When they requested an improved version of these batteries, Ruben designed a new mercury battery instead. More compact and impervious to temperature changes, mercury batteries became the standard in walkie-talkies, mine detectors, and other military equipment. Ruben refused to collect royalties from his invention during the war, and gave his patents to the US government"

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