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PyotrNovak sporočil: 5.775
[Avto] Tema: Pregrešni dizelski objem BMW petice
[#2714013] 25.05.18 17:37 · odgovor na: anon-438486 (#2713960)
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The Tesla Model S has been dominating the luxury segment in its home turf, the US, for a few years now, but it had yet to surpass some flagship gas-powered German premium cars in Europe until now.

The Californian automaker’s Model X is also seeing more success in Europe.

According to market researchers JATO Dynamics (via Auto News Europe), Tesla’s Model S in Europe jumped 30 percent to 16,132 units in 2017.

The firm compares the vehicle to the Mercedes S class, which saw its sales grow 3 percent to 13,359 units, and the BMW 7 series had sales of 11,735 units – down 13 percent.

To be fair, that’s accounting for the entire European market. In their very own home market of Germany, premium German automakers are still beating Tesla in sales.

2017 was also the first full year of sales for Tesla Model X in Europe and it has also made some great strides in its own segment.

According to JATO, Model X sales in Europe last year were 12,000 units, which is about the same as its gas-powered competitor the Porsche Cayenne and about 2,000 more than the BMW X6.

RES škoda da jih nihče ne kupuje.

Kot sem že omenil: Za vernike cerkve "Nemški Pleh" številke Ne pomenijo nič.

PS: Proizvajalci lokomotiv so imeli okrog l. 1907 velik uspeh in so proizvajali neverjetne parne lokomotive. L 2008 je prišel Ford in model T in mali tovornjaki; kar naenkrat je bilo zgodbe za lokomotive konec. Zgodovinsko se še nikoli ni zahajajoča industrija pravočasno preusmerila na novo industrijo.
Tesla jim jemlje najbolj profitabilen del trga: luksuzni segment.

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