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Izbrana tema: Špeckahlanje

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pobalin sporočil: 14.456
[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2708033] 18.04.18 01:08 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2708031)
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Tale komentar pod prej omenjenim člankom o bencinu v ZDA sem prebral šele naknadno, a se mi zdi pomembno opozoriti nanj:
There is a little apples and oranges going on here that can be misleading. If I understand this correctly, the proposal is to go to 95 RON (Research Octane), i.e. the equivalent of European 95 grade. Our current pump grades are stated in Average Octane Number, meaning Research Octane plus Motor Octane divided by two. Research and Motor are derived by two different test procedures, if memory serves, and the RON test always produces the higher number of the two methods. The proposed 95 RON would be equivalent to today's 91 AON premium at U.S. pumps (but not quite as "high" as those premium fuels rated at 92 or 93 AON), based on the conversions I have seen. So, in effect, the proposal would eliminate the current regular and mid-grade and keep just premium. And that "new" product would not really have any higher octane than the top grade today, despite the "95" rating.

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