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To so v resnici zgolj špekulacije, lahko da je gospod Curljak informacije pridobil od koga drugega. In on je bil tisti, ki jih je spravil v javnost,kar terja grajo in sankcije, gospa akademičarka je morda zgolj ob kosilu s soprogom razpravljala o službenih stvareh, kar ne more biti v nasprotju z etičnimi standardi, razen če gre za težke državne skrivnosti zaradi katerih razkritja bi bila ogrožena življenja ljudi ali velika gmotna škoda.
Gospa in gospod Curljak sta se kar intenzivno skupaj ukvarjala s kulturalizacijo švedskega ljudstva in širše,
The couple – leading lights of Sweden’s cultural scene – ran Forum, a private cultural club in Stockholm that received financial backing from the academy until it closed last year after the allegations emerged. Arnault is also reported by Swedish media to have leaked the names of seven Nobel winners in advance, including Bob Dylan in 2016 and Harold Pinter in 2005.
ampak ključno pri vsem skupaj je dejstvo, da se je zatresla neka arhaična struktura z nekimi arhaičnimi razvadami.
The Academy is a self-perpetuating oligarchy of 18 members, rich, prestigious (at least in its own eyes) and secretive, which has awarded the Nobel Prize in literature since its foundation in 1901 (other prizes are awarded by different bodies; the peace prize, for example, by the Norwegian parliament). The first woman member was the Swedish writer Selma Lagerlöf, who, since she had won the prize, could hardly be excluded. But it remains, by all accounts, a very male-dominated place.
As far back as December 1996 a young textile artist, Anna-Karin Bylund, wrote to the then permanent secretary Sture Allén, denouncing Arnault for sexual assault. The letter was ignored and remained unknown to the wider world until recently.> Writer and journalist Sofia Mirjamsdotter wrote: “On the surface the struggle in the Academy is about leaks and conflicts of interest. In fact it is about confused men who suddenly see the playing filed shift under their feet; that they can no longer get away with it; that overreaching and the abuse of power can be punished and that women rise up and say ‘enough’ and that they won’t back down even when men try to shut them up.”
Še novembrski skoraj pornografsko ekspliciten koncentrat obtožb v Dagens Nyheter (v angleščini):

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