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Francija im 58 jedrskih reaktorjev za proizvodnjo elektrike, in 76% vse proizvedene energije je jedrske. Imajo sedmo najcenejso elektriko v celi evropski uniji. Imajo tehnologijo, da lahko nove elektrarne postavijo kadarkoli.
Meanwhile, in the USA:
Electricity market prices across organized wholesale electricity markets in the United States have declined significantly in recent years, prompting several nuclear power stations to consider early retirement before the end of their licensed operation or useful lifespans. This paper explores three possible explanations for observed declines in day-ahead electricity prices received by 19 nuclear generators in the PJM electricity market region: (1) the impact of declining natural gas prices; (2) the growth of wind generation in the American Midwest; and (3) stagnant or declining demand for electricity.
I find that natural gas price declines are the dominant driver of reduced electricity prices at the 19 nuclear power stations over this period. The growth of wind energy has an order of magnitude smaller cumulative effect and is only statistically significant for nuclear generators located in the western portion of the PJM region (in proximity to vast majority of installed wind capacity in the region). Finally, declining demand also has a relatively small but statistically significant effect on prices across all generators.
Večina paperjev je prvih 6 mesecev pod ključem, ampak nekaj odklenjenih tem je precej zanimivih, npr. tista iz lanskega septembra, ki pravi, da imajo kupci eko avtomobilov pogosto kot drugi avto pri hiši gas guzzlerja. Eko avto zanje ni toliko sprememba navad ampak window dressing za sosede in lastno vest. Zanje je pred hišo parkiran Tesla ali Leaf, za lastno retro nostalgično mačo dušo je pa v garaži spravljen hudo okrancljan Ford Raptor. :-)

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