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anon-187668 sporočil: 5.835
"Precepljenost prebivalstva proti gripi je v Sloveniji med najnižjimi v EU. Tudi zato, ker je cepljenje plačljivo."
Morda je med najnižjimi v EU tudi zato, ker berejo, kar o virusih piše dr. Stefan Lanka. O virusih in o tem ali ima ena stranka pravico do nagrade, ki jo je razpisala druga stranka, pa je odločalo celo sodišče:

"It seems that after three years of struggle in court, the Ravensburger Measles process has finally reached its endpoint. Extremist anti-vaxxer Stefan Lanka, who denies the existence of harmful viruses, had set out a reward of 100,000 euros for scientific prove that there is such a thing as a virus that causes measles. The young doctor David Bardens provided Lanka with six articles that show this, but Lanka denied that this evidence met the criteria of his challenge. ... Disappointing outcome of Bardens vs. Lanka: measles proven to exist, but anti-vaxxer Lanka keeps his money"

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