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pobalin sporočil: 14.456
[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2641982] 24.02.17 13:22 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2641981)
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NYT ponuja zanimiv "long read" o strukturi del in delovnih mest v nekdanji in današnji Ameriki in nekaj namigov, kaj se bo verjetno dogajalo v bližnji prihodosti. Članku bi dal oznako PG-13 / R. Ni primeren za otroke, najstniki pa naj ga berejo samo pod nadzorom staršev. :-)
Popular ideas about the working class are woefully out of date. Here are nine people who tell a truer story of what the American work force does today — and will do tomorrow.
Forget the images of men in hard hats standing before factory gates, of men with coal-blackened faces, of men perched high above New York City on steel beams. The emerging face of the American working class is a Hispanic woman who has never set foot on a factory floor. That’s not the kind of work much of the working class does anymore. Instead of making things, they are more often paid to serve people: to care for someone else’s children or someone else’s parents; to clean another family’s home.
The wages of service work increasingly determine the welfare of the American working class and, to a substantial degree, the broader economy. But politicians have paid little attention. That’s partly because Americans continue to view service work as a way station, not a way of life. Teenagers get their first job at McDonald’s; mothers dip back into the work force as receptionists; seniors make a little extra money as Walmart greeters. The reality is that these are the kinds of jobs millions of Americans hold for their entire working lives. And increasingly, these are the jobs their children will perform, too.

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