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Izbrana tema: Špeckahlanje

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pobalin sporočil: 14.456
[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2615554] 08.09.16 20:45 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2615419)
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Medtem ko obrgizeni davčni slalomist svetovnega formata medije zaposluje s pisunjenjem o faceliftu svojega "telefona", ki uboga dotike, po svetu ugotavljajo, da rokopisanje ne ubija, ampak menda krepi določene možganske funkcije.
Neurophysiologists in Norway and France, for example, have found that different parts of the brain are stimulated when reading letters learned by writing them on paper, rather than by typing them on a keyboard. The movement and tactile response involved in handwriting leaves a memory trace in the sensorimotor part of the brain, which are retrieved when reading the letters involved. Being essentially the same for each key stroke, the feedback from typing lacks the kind of motor memories associated with individual letters. If handwriting reinforces reading, the implications for teaching are huge.
Similarly, researchers in America tested how college students performed when taking notes of a lecture by hand as opposed to using a laptop. While the laptop users took copious (mostly verbatim) notes, they fared far worse than the pen-and-paper scribblers when tested on what they recalled about the concepts and inferences of the lecture. Being slower, taking notes by hand forced those who did so to process what the lecturer was saying and then paraphrase it. This reflection and reframing allowed them to understand and recall the material better. In contrast, typing merely led to mindless processing.
Bil sem že blizu tega, da se naučim dobro tipkati, pa so prišle miši z meniji, ravno sem pogruntal miš, pa so prišli touchscreeni, na stara leta naj se pa, da bom pametnejši, spet učim pisat na roko, al kaj? :-)

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