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[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2615414] 08.09.16 11:29 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2615396)
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Med iskrenjem na avtomobilski liniji Nemčija-ZDA, se našim dogaja tudi na črti Nemčija-Turčija.

Recimo primer, ko je novinar z ekipo Deutsche Welle opravil dogovorjen intervju s turškim ministrom za mladež in šport, po odhodu ministra pa so nižji uradniki najprej zahtevali, da pogovora ne objavijo, potem pa so jim odvzeli pomnilniški medij s posnetkom. Nemci (in novinarska srenja) se seveda razburjajo.


V zaplet je preko nemškega veleposlanika v Ankari poseglo tudi zunanje ministrstvo,

turški oblastniki pa obtožbe zavračajo, češ da so neobjavo intervjuja zahtevali "zaradi pretiranih izrazov in obtožb novinarja v pogovoru" pri tem pa se sklicujejo na pravilo avtorizacije, ki naj bi veljalo v Nemčiji.

Medijske reciklaže so lahko zelo zgovorne. Tale iz Hürriyet Daily News iz junija letos je precej mračne narave, ima pa dvojni funny twist (nemški ovčar v vlogi psa čuvaja turškega medija/urednika in nagrada Deutsche Welle za turškega urednika, ki mu grozi zapor zaradi razžalitve velikega ljubljenega vodje):
Still, the Ankara police department did not provide security and instead advised us to take our own “extraordinary” security measures. What measures? “Lucky,” the boss’ German shepherd dog, was given a permanent position at the paper and became our official security. Thank God, nothing more happened and those days passed with no major incident.
Sedat currently faces up to four years in prison on the grounds that he insulted the president. I don’t think he could be sentenced, particularly after he recently received the prestigious Freedom of Speech Award from Germany’s Deutsche Welle. Anyway, we know that the Turkish judiciary is completely independent and the Turkish government has no control over it. Even if the government wanted to give itself an additional headache, the courts surely wouldn’t indulge in such adventures. Am I wrong?
Recalling that there are currently 37 journalists behind bars in Turkey, and how prominent columnist Ahmet Hakan was attacked last year (ending up with bruises and a fractured rib), Sedat should be thankful that he at least has an armored car and a bodyguard, as well as now a DW award - rather than just a German shepherd.

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