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Izbrana tema: Surfanje po Financah preko mobilnika

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anon-36709 sporočil: 144
[Servis] Tema: Surfanje po Financah preko mobilnika
[#196902] 29.01.08 22:25 · odgovor na: bc123a (#196770)
Odgovori   +    0
Zadnja sprememba: anon-36709 29.01.2008 22:40

bc123a je napisal(a):

Nimam izkusenj, mogoce ti to pomaga - N95 ima baje tudi browser, ki temelji na Mozilli.

N800 OS2008 Impressions Jan 15th, 2008 The last few weeks I have started using OS2008 on my N800 that I borrowed from work. This is a very nice upgrade for several reasons: Finger touch can be used for many tasks. You don't have to use the stylus all the time. I enjoy using the large finger keyboard when chatting. Browser uses the Mozilla rendering engine instead of Opera. This means I can use Gmail, Google Calendar which didn't work so well in Opera. It is also possible to install extensions like Adblock Plus, Greasemonkey and more which is really neat. http://www.krosweb.dk/blog/blog.php/Kaspar%27s+blo g/Gadgets

Adblock + Greasemonkey resita tvojo tezavo. Samo ce se ju da instalirati na tvoj mobitel.

Hvala ti. Tvoji komentarji s področja IT so enako cenjeni kot s področja kapitalskih trgov.

Edit: še raziskujem o tej rešitvi...

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