Prikaz samo enega sporočila - znotraj teme...

čarli sporočil: 13.178
> [rava]
> > [dalex]
> > Ni bilo nic v smislu?
> >
> > 3. Obdrzite, kar ste vplacali, ne vplacujte v PAYG, tudi PAYG ne boste dobili.
> ne, te možnosti ni bilo.

Ja, je bila. To velja za tistih 14 mescev, kolikor so vplacevali v privatne sklade.

Prav bi bilo takole: Ce privarcevanega zneska ne prenesete na PAYG, se vam tistih 14 mescev ne bo upsostevalo v PAYG pokojninsko dobo.
Those Hungarians who decide not to return fully to the states pension scheme from their private pension funds will lose their right to the portion of the state pension they would have received based on future contributions, Economy Minister Gyorgy Matolcsy said.
At present, Hungarian employers pay 24% of their employees gross wage to the state as a pension contribution. That will remain unchanged for those employees who decide to remain private pension fund members.

Employees pay a total of 9.5% of their gross wage in pension premium, including 8% of the gross wage to the private pension funds. The 9.5% payment will rise to 10% from January. Those who wish to remain members in the private pension funds will pay the 10% to their respective pension funds after Jan. 31, and those returning to the state pension scheme will pay the 10% into the state coffers.

Pa ne mi zdaj napisat, da razlikuješ med delodajalčevim in delojemalčevim prispevkom;)

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