
Prikaz samo enega sporočila - znotraj teme...

anon-35163 sporočil: 30.643

vuksan je napisal(a):

 BC, daj mi samo eno "užitno" teorijo politične motiviranosti teh znanstvenikov. Ne napadam te pavšalno, ampak ne vidim kroga, skupine, grupe...katera bi to zmogla speljati, bila finančno-politično dovolj močna, imela grozen vpliv na novinarje,  obenem pa bi se usmerila proti velikim producentom CO2 (fosilna goriva, elektrogospodarstvo, sami težkokategorniki, taki, ki običajno v teorijah zarote nastopajo na zarotniški strani)
Tu ni nobene zarote. Znanstveniki pač potrebujejo plačo, njihovi inštituti pa denar, to je vse.

Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 327783

Strani: 1

bc123a sporočil: 48.253

mataj je napisal(a):

Tu ni nobene zarote. Znanstveniki pač potrebujejo plačo, njihovi inštituti pa denar, to je vse.
Tako, ja.

Evo, to sem nasel na wikipediji, govori sicer o enem filmu (ki je sam po sebi spet radikalen v smer zanikanja, ampak po moje so pa lepo razdelali vzroke):

Increased funding of climate science. According to the film, there has been an increase in funds available for any research related to global warming "and it is now one of the best funded areas of science." Increased availability of funding for global warming research. The film asserts that scientists seeking a research grant award have a much more likely chance of successfully obtaining funding if the grant is linked to global warming research. Influence of vested interests. The programme argues that vested interests have a bigger impact on the proponents (rather than the detractors) of the theory of man-made global warming because hundreds of thousands of jobs in science, media, and government have been created and are subsidised as a result of this theory. Suppression of dissenting views. According to the programme, scientists who speak out against the theory that global warming is man-made risk persecution, death threats, loss of funding, personal attacks, and damage to their reputations. Role of ideology. The film proposes that some supporters of the theory that global warming is man-made do so because it supports their emotional and ideological beliefs against capitalism , economic development , globalisation , industrialisation , and the United States . Aja, pa ce nekdo besni proti vplivu naftne industrije na stran zanikanja globalnega segrevanja, kaj potem reci za proponente vetrne in soncne energije? Tudi tam so odzadaj mocni industrijski lobiji, in imajo cisto enak apetit po denarju kot recimo naftne kompanije.

Strani: 1