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Izbrana tema: članek V Litvi strmoglavilo tovorno letalo boeing 737-400F
Strani: 1
sporočil: 27.892
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20.10. - Another parcel being transported by DHL Express, has exploded in Minworth near Birmingham, UK. No one was injured by the fire. The incident, which occurred on 22JUL24, but only became known on 16OCT24, is one of several recent attacks on the integrator. Counter-terrorism police are investigating whether Russian saboteurs had dispatched the shipment. - cargoforwarder.eu/20...ck-on-dhl/
27.10. - Four suspects were detained in Poland on charges of endangering DHL freighters and their crew with parcel bombs. Two other suspects are still being searched for internationally, a spokesperson of the Polish public prosecutor’s office told a local news agency. Poland’s government has now openly accused Russian secret services of orchestrating the attacks. As consequence, it closed the Russian consulate in Poznan. - cargoforwarder.eu/20...-planters/
6.11. - A series of parcel fires targeting courier companies in Poland, Germany and the UK were dry runs aimed at sabotaging flights to the US and Canada, Polish prosecutors say. - www.bbc.com/news/art...7912lxx33o
20.10. - Another parcel being transported by DHL Express, has exploded in Minworth near Birmingham, UK. No one was injured by the fire. The incident, which occurred on 22JUL24, but only became known on 16OCT24, is one of several recent attacks on the integrator. Counter-terrorism police are investigating whether Russian saboteurs had dispatched the shipment. - cargoforwarder.eu/20...ck-on-dhl/
27.10. - Four suspects were detained in Poland on charges of endangering DHL freighters and their crew with parcel bombs. Two other suspects are still being searched for internationally, a spokesperson of the Polish public prosecutor’s office told a local news agency. Poland’s government has now openly accused Russian secret services of orchestrating the attacks. As consequence, it closed the Russian consulate in Poznan. - cargoforwarder.eu/20...-planters/
6.11. - A series of parcel fires targeting courier companies in Poland, Germany and the UK were dry runs aimed at sabotaging flights to the US and Canada, Polish prosecutors say. - www.bbc.com/news/art...7912lxx33o
sporočil: 32.331
Zadnja sprememba: najobj 25.11.2024 22:19
... V Litvi strmoglavilo tovorno letalo boeing 737-400F
...... evo, in ker je Litva na meji z Rusijo, tovorno letalo Boeing 737-400F pa je ameriško letalo, sem pravzaprav presenečen, da je minil že skoraj celi dan in mediji na "demokratičnem" zahodu še niso obtožili Putina, da so Rusi strmogavili tovorno letalo v lasti družbe Swiftair v imenu podjetja DHL ... khmm, ker na totem forumu vsi dobro vemo, da tovorno letalo v lasti družbe Swiftair v imenu podjetja DHL odločilno vpliva na izid vojne v nekdanji sovjetski republiki Ukrajini, ki jo kot je povedal v večvrednost "demokratičnega" zahoda prepričana imperialistična britanska pizda (= oznaka karakterja) Boris Johnson z zelo jasnimi besedami "If Ukraine falls, it'll be a catastrophic turning point in history - and an utter humiliation for the West and the end of Western hegemony" ruski divjaki preprosto ne smejo zmagati ...
P.S.: na "demokratičnem" zahodu še niso povedali, kdo je res kriv za smrtne žrtve www.rtvslo.si/okolje...etu/728527 v Veliki Britaniji, ne bom pa se preveč čudil, če bodo kot za vse nesreče tega sveta spet krivi Rusi ... aja, verjetno sem to www.youtube.com/watc...8ZmkIhs8r0 na toti forum nalimal že stokrat in čeprav dvomim, da se bo za forumske rusofobe kaj spremenilo, naj bo še stoprvič ...
Strani: 1