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[Glavni forum] Tema: Alenka Bratušek zvoni po toči
[#2795037] 22.09.19 08:42 · odgovor na: (#2795022)
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Ryanair airports are often miles from the destination cities – factor in transport costs

Eg, Stockholm's Skavsta airport, where Ryanair flies, is about 65 miles from the city centre – roughly translated, that's around a two-hour bus ride and an extra £27 return from your spending money.

The prices we've quoted below are from the airports' websites. With local knowledge, you may find a cheaper price, but the principle still stands that you must factor in potentially high transport costs.

You may still get a bargain with Ryanair, but before you book, weigh up what you're paying for flights and transport to both airports – the Ryanair one(s) and the major airport.
Nekaj je tudi v tem. RyanAir ne deluje na principu Hub Feederja, ampak ima končne destinacije. Pred kakim letom je bil mislim, da celo objavljen članek, kjer letališča Subvencionirajo nizkocenovnike, ali pa le-ti ne letijo tja. Ni namenjen Business ljudem, ampak jebenim angleškim bagpackerjem.